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Pagamento via PIX. Inserir o valor desejado e enviar pela chave PIX abaixo ou através do QR Code:

Chave PIX (E-mail)

Favor inserir no e-mail o comprovante de pagamento ou código/ID da transação PIX, nome completo e número de sua carteira virtual (wallet) atualizada para recebimento dos Delos. 

No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.

And in addition to the Delos valuation, you earn BUSD rewards for the smart contract!

campaign rules

How it works?

- First, you create a portfolio, which is entirely your domain and responsibility. Then, on the website, you can choose which plan will be the most ideal for you, make the purchase and start making your monthly contributions according to the chosen plan;


Do I have to keep Delos in my wallet for 60 months?

- No. Delos does not have control over its tokens in the portfolio, they are released for trading according to its interest.


If I withdraw from the plan, will I receive prorated cashback?

- No. The cashbask is a Delos promotion that aims to reward investors who decide to follow the project during this period.


If I sell or move the tokens from the informed wallet, can I continue with the plan?

- It can, however, its term will be restarted at the time of the first contribution after the movement or sale.


Can I transfer the equivalent of the monthly contribution from another wallet every month to qualify for cashback?

- No. Contributions must be made by purchase, via pancakeswap or through the platform to be made available by Delos on its official website.


What happens if I forget to pay in a month?

- The deadline will restart with the subsequent contribution.


How much cashback will I receive, and in what currency?

- The cashback will be the equivalent of the amount in reais invested in your plan over the 60 months. Upon completing the 60 months, the interested party informs Delos, which will carry out the necessary audits on the portfolio, all being within the agreed terms, the equivalent to the value in reais of the plan in Delos Tokens will be added to the informed portfolio, which will be available for sale together with the balance acquired during the 60 months;



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